Monday, December 15, 2014

We are Kings of this Mountain!

Over a decade ago, I wrote a grant to purchase a set of snowshoes for young children from Red Feather, a company based in Evergreen, CO. Over the years we have added to our collection including sizes for the older children as well. It is now possible to have at least two classes outfitted in snowshoes at the same time. The snowshoes have been used for outdoor education in conjunction with our Four Winds Program, treks to the Robert Frost Trail, and just for fun in the fields and woods surrounding school. Last week we experienced one of the earliest snow dumps in my memory. The best news is that the temperature has remained mild. After returning from skating today, I decided to take advantage of the snow, mild temps, and the already mixed up day, and have our maiden snowshoe trek of the First Grade year. I organized for the event while the children were at recess by setting up the nine pair of snowshoes on the porch walkway so that I could nab the children as they returned from recess. I am admitting to all who reads this that helping nine six and seven year olds into snowshoes requires incredible fortitude, stamina and patience! (I almost failed!) After some deep breathing, I donned my pair and off we went. We headed to the outdoor classroom. While passing the garden the children noticed that the depth of the snow was so great that it covered our raised beds. The sitting stones were also buried under the snow. We circled past toward the hedgerow and over the stream into the far off field. Walking through the field was actually easier going. We wound our way back to the playground via of the village created by the sixth grade class. They have constructed three huts using all natural materials. The children were amazed and their curiosity was sparked! I was incredibly proud of their positive energy, stamina, and support of one another and look forward to more times in the snow with these trekkers!

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